Images of Law family members who travelled from Scotland to New Zealand in the early 1900's and further photos of family life in New Zealand.
Images of Law family members who travelled from Scotland to New Zealand in the early 1900's and further photos of family life in New Zealand.
The Knox/Law Family
Photograph taken in Scotland before they left for NZ in January 1922 as William (Willie) had died by the time the family emigrated. Flora the youngest to travel was born in August 1911 and was 10 years old in 1922 as seen on the Pakeha Steam Ship Passenger list. This photo dates from approximately 1915.
Back Row: Left to right
John, Janet, James (GF), Christina, Thomas, Margaret
Front Row: Left to right
Alexander, Florence (Flora), Thomas (my GGF, sitting), Sam, Janet Myles (GGM) sitting with Willie on knee, Robert
Father and sons
Left to right - Thomas, Thomas Law (father, my GGF), James. Thomas (father) is wearing the uniform of the RAMC, Royal Army Medical Corp. in which he served in WW1. Photo taken in Scotland.
James Myles Knox Law and wife Margaret Dryden
James Law (my GF) and Margaret at the wedding of their daughter Annie, in 1948 in NZ.
Margaret Law (Dryden) at another social occassion
Musical Laws!
This was a posed shot as not everyone in it could play! Most likely Alex on Banjo, Robert (Bob) with violin, Flora with Mandolin, unsure who was holding the Cello.
Musical Laws - Dunedin
Sons of Thomas Law (GGF) played in a band in Dunedin, e.g. Alex and Thomas.
Janet Myles (wife of Thomas Law GGF) on left. Thomas Law and Jean (McBeath) at their wedding in 1952
Young 'children' of James Myles Knox Law
Left to right: Thomas (Tommy), Jim and Annie
'Children' of James Myles Knox Law (my GF)
Left to Right
Janet Dickson, Margaret Irvine, Annie Richards, James (Jim) Law, Thomas Knox Law
Janet Law (Myles) and daughter in law Lizzie (wife of John Law)
They both came to NZ aboard the Pakeha steam ship in 1922 with the rest of the family.
Flora Law, Robert (Bob) Law and Janet Law jnr
Alex and Bob
Janet Law (jnr) and Robert (Bob)
Janet (Law) jnr
Alex and Flora
Wedding Alexander Law (son of GGF Thomas Law) and Iris Hutton in Dunedin NZ
Wedding Thomas Law (son of Thomas Law GGF) and Catherine (Kate) Beall in Dunedin NZ
Wedding of Robert Law (son of GGF Thomas Law) and Alice Robson in Dunedin NZ
Janet Law (Myles) with John, son of Flora